A New Name is Coming!
So do you guys really read my posts? If so grab some snackies cause this is gonna be a long one!
5 years ago I opened my dream boutique. There weren’t many of us at the time & I had worked 3 jobs saved $ and when my father passed away it was the nudge I needed to pull the trigger.
I remember going through names and what had meaning and felt right. At this time there weren’t many options for clothing in my genre in my tiny town. I hadn’t been blessed with kids and had been fighting the infertility battle. At this time I truly felt I needed to pass on my maiden name (gray) in some shape or form to honor my father. It also included a play on words with women who were in the “gray area” of fashion. Not really the mainstream cookie cutter mold of fashion and not the perfect size 4.
Fast forward to 2020... Oh the year of many changes truths and the journey to finding your true inner self (thanks to quarantine).
I didn’t have the greatest childhood growing up. We had many struggles. From poverty, verbal abuse, mental abuse, physical and sexual abuse. For those in my inner circle know I have 💯 % strived to beat the odds. To NOT become that statistic. I have buckled down and sacrificed many sleepless nights, my own blood sweat and let’s face it many many tears to become the self proclaimed #bossassbitch that I am today. My confidence hasn’t just come out of now where. I’ve straight worked and worked 2 and sometimes 3 jobs at one time.
I’ve definitely learned from this pandemic situation that I no longer want to honor my father. I have changed. My boutique has changed. I am no longer that guilt ridden little girl who regretted not having a relationship with her father when he passed away.
And with GROWTH comes CHANGE.
In the upcoming days you will see @shop.gab become Misty’s Media Makeup & Boutique!
I want to truly represent ME. And by representing ME I represent all the other women that I love to help build themselves up! I do social media managing for other small women owned businesses, I love being a #makeupartis & selling #merlenorman, and I love picking bomb ass outfits out for women who are already #bossbabes & for the ones who don’t know it yet!