HBD to GAB turning 3!
Man has this year flown by! and we just got to celebrate our Birthday! Merle Norman Cosmetics of Fairfield and the Gray Area Boutique have officially been combined 17 months now! I've owned Merle Norman for six years now and GAB Turned THREE! yes THREE! This October!
As I reflect back and try to find our place in all the noise I just want to make it known that my team and I are so VERY thankful for all the support we have been shown, locally and online! We pride ourself on our amazing customer service and our want to get to know each and every customer that walks through our door!
I have worked so hard remembering everyone's sizes, styles, their skin tone, skin types what foundations they wear, what powders, cheeks, and even favorite lip colors that they love!
First and foremost we would not be here without our Customers! THANK YOU!
And to my team! I just LOVE YOU! I do! We all work so well together and have not only become family but have watched one another grow in so many ways!
So this past week we gave back! We gave 20% off to everyone who walked in our doors! Then on Friday & Saturday we played a little POP the Ballon Game and inside were special discounts inside!
Thank you again! From the bottom of my soul. I pray that we are able to be here in the heart of our little small town for three more years!