What is Rose Quartz
Did you know we carry crystals and sage? We have confetti & an assorted array of crystals. They are by the ounce!
Today we are featuring ROSE QUARTZ
🌷 support emotional and relationship healing
🌷inspire compassion
🌷boost feelings of peace and calm
🌷purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace
🌷Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief
🌷dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes
How can you use it you ask?
🌸Use it in your beauty routine : soak a polished crystal in a bowl or jar with fresh spring water and a handful of rose petals. Put the jar out into the sun for several hours so the water can become infused with the power of the Rose Quartz. Strain the water and add to a spritz bottle to mist your face morning and eve
🌸 Keep it close to you or wear as Jewlery: If you want to attract an abundance of love, joy, and the grace of gentle-natured self-healing then keep it connected with your skin by wearing it in the form of gemstone jewelry. Necklaces, bangles, and bracelets are a great way of bringing it into your world
🌸 Use it in your home or office: popular crystal to use in Feng Shui, place it in a special place in your bedroom, as this can be a vulnerable space where you attract romantic notions of love. Outside of the bedroom, you can also place the crystal in the center of the home where it will radiate out positive energy and pure love to all who step over your threshold
💓Now if you’ve made it this far and actually read this post mention the secret word ROSE for a free piece of rose quarts with your purchase of any rose quartz